Pwani University Library provides the following services:
1. Academic Integrity Services2. Audio Visual Services-DVDs & CD ROMS, Lightweight and portable LCD Projectors
3. Collaborative Reading Services
4. Consultancy Services
5. Corporate Social Responsibility Services
6. Current Awareness Services: i.e. Display of books and updates on new information resources.
7. Electronic Resources: i.e. E-journals, E-books, Newspapers, Exam past papers (Exam bank), off-campus access to electronic resources
8. Information Instruction, Research and Research Methods Guidance Services
9. Information Literacy Services: -training of staff and faculty and students on accessing information materials online and off-line.
10. Institutional Repository: -Collection of Research projects, thesis & Dissertations
11. Literary writing coaching platform services
12. Mentorship Services
13. On-campus Circulation: i.e. issuing of books, returning, renewals & Reservations
14. Online Public Access Catalogue
15. Outreach Services
16. Reproduceability services
17. Selective Dissemination of Information Services
18. Self-Online Circulation: self-renewal of books, request for reservation online
19. Virtual Library Services